d.i.c.e. awards 뜻
국어 번역
- 인터랙티브 어치브먼트 어워드
- awards 명예를 박탈하다; 깃털을 잡아 뜯다;
- n.e.d.c. phrase, (영)National Economic Development Council
- c.i.e. phrase, Companion of the (Order of the) Indian Empire
- g, c, i, e phrase, Grand Commander of the Indian Empire
- i.c.e phrase, Institution of Civil Engineers
- k.c.i.e. phrase, Knight Commander of the Indian Empire
- c.i.d. phrase, Committee for Imperial Kefence, Criminal Investigation Kepartment (Detachment) 검찰국, (런던 경찰국의)수사과, 범죄 수사대
- iu(c)d, i.u.(c.)d. phrase, intrauterine (contraceptive)device자궁내 피임기구(링)
- fortaleza c.e.i.f. 포르탈레사 FC
- c.f.i., d.f. (&) i. phrase, cost, freight and insurance
- agents of s.h.i.e.l.d. 에이전트 오브 쉴드
- s.h.i.e.l.d. agents S.H.I.E.L.D. 요원
- s.h.i.e.l.d. 요원 S.H.I.E.L.D. agents
- e, d, t, phrase, Eastern daylight time(미)동부 서머 타임